Objects that Start with C

Starting with CA
  1. caaba
  2. cab
  3. cabana
  4. cabaret
  5. cabasset
  6. caber
  7. cabin
  8. cabinet
  9. cabinetwork
  10. cable
  11. caboose
  12. cabriolet
  13. cache
  14. cachet
  15. cachi
  16. caddy
  17. caelum
  18. cafe
  19. cafeteria
  20. caff
  21. caftan
  22. cage
  23. cagoule
  24. caisson
  25. cake
  26. calabash
  27. calash
  28. calceus
  29. calcimine
  30. calculator
  31. calculus
  32. caldera
  33. caldron
  34. calean
  35. caleche
  36. calender
  37. calico
  38. caliper
  39. calk
  40. calkin
  41. calliope
  42. calliper
  43. callisto
  44. caloosahatchee
  45. calorimeter
  46. calpac
  47. calpack
  48. calumet
  49. cam
  50. camail
  51. camber
  52. cambric
  53. cambridge
  54. camcorder
  55. cameo
  56. camera
  57. camion
  58. camise
  59. camisole
  60. camlet
  61. camo
  62. camouflage
  63. camp
  64. campanile
  65. camper
  66. campstool
  67. camshaft
  68. can
  69. canadian
  70. canal
  71. cancer
  72. candelabra
  73. candelabrum
  74. candle
  75. candlepin
  76. candlesnuffer
  77. candlestick
  78. candlewick
  79. cane
  80. cangue
  81. canicula
  82. caning
  83. canister
  84. cannery
  85. cannikin
  86. cannister
  87. cannon
  88. cannonball
  89. cannula
  90. canoe
  91. canon
  92. canopus
  93. canopy
  94. cant
  95. canteen
  96. cantilever
  97. cantle
  98. cantonment
  99. canvas
  100. canvass
  101. canyon
  102. canyonside
  103. cap
  104. capacitance
  105. capacitor
  106. caparison
  107. cape
  108. capella
  109. capillary
  110. capital
  111. capitol
  112. capote
  113. capricorn
  114. capricornus
  115. capstan
  116. capstone
  117. capsule
  118. capuchin
  119. car
  120. carabiner
  121. carack
  122. carafe
  123. caravan
  124. caravansary
  125. caravanserai
  126. carbine
  127. carbomycin
  128. carbon
  129. carboy
  130. carburetor
  131. carburettor
  132. card
  133. cardcase
  134. cardcastle
  135. cardhouse
  136. cardigan
  137. cardiograph
  138. cardroom
  139. cargo
  140. caribbean
  141. carillon
  142. carina
  143. carminative
  144. caroche
  145. carousel
  146. carpathians
  147. carpentaria
  148. carpet
  149. carpetbag
  150. carport
  151. carrack
  152. carrefour
  153. carrel
  154. carrell
  155. carriage
  156. carriageway
  157. carrier
  158. carrousel
  159. carryall
  160. carrycot
  161. cart
  162. carton
  163. cartouch
  164. cartouche
  165. cartridge
  166. cartroad
  167. cartwheel
  168. carvedilol
  169. caryatid
  170. cascabel
  171. cascade
  172. cascades
  173. case
  174. casein
  175. casement
  176. casern
  177. cashbox
  178. cashmere
  179. casing
  180. casino
  181. cask
  182. casket
  183. caspian
  184. casque
  185. casquet
  186. casquetel
  187. casserole
  188. cassette
  189. cassiopeia
  190. cassock
  191. cast
  192. castanets
  193. caster
  194. castle
  195. castor
  196. cat
  197. catacomb
  198. catafalque
  199. catamaran
  200. cataphract
  201. cataplasm
  202. catapult
  203. cataract
  204. catboat
  205. catch
  206. catchall
  207. catchment
  208. catgut
  209. cathartic
  210. cathedra
  211. cathedral
  212. catheter
  213. cathode
  214. catholicon
  215. cathouse
  216. cation
  217. catling
  218. catskills
  219. cattleship
  220. catwalk
  221. caucasus
  222. cauldron
  223. causeway
  224. cauterant
  225. cautery
  226. cave
  227. cavern
  228. cavetto
  229. cavity
  230. cay

Starting with CE
  1. ceiling
  2. celesta
  3. cell
  4. cellar
  5. cellarage
  6. cellaret
  7. cellblock
  8. cello
  9. cellophane
  10. cellphone
  11. cembalo
  12. cenotaph
  13. censer
  14. centaur
  15. centaurus
  16. center
  17. centerboard
  18. centerfield
  19. centerpiece
  20. central
  21. centre
  22. centreboard
  23. centrepiece
  24. centrex
  25. centrifuge
  26. cephaloridine
  27. cepheus
  28. ceramic
  29. cerate
  30. cerecloth
  31. cerement
  32. ceres
  33. cesspit
  34. cesspool
  35. cetus

Starting with CH
  1. chachka
  2. chad
  3. chadar
  4. chaddar
  5. chador
  6. chaff
  7. chain
  8. chains
  9. chainsaw
  10. chair
  11. chairlift
  12. chaise
  13. chalet
  14. chalice
  15. chalk
  16. chalkboard
  17. chalkpit
  18. challis
  19. chamaeleon
  20. chamber
  21. chamberpot
  22. chambray
  23. chameleon
  24. chamfer
  25. chamfron
  26. champaign
  27. champlain
  28. chancel
  29. chancellery
  30. chancery
  31. chandelier
  32. chandlery
  33. chanfron
  34. chang
  35. change
  36. changer
  37. changjiang
  38. changtzu
  39. channel
  40. chanter
  41. chantry
  42. chap
  43. chapeau
  44. chapel
  45. chapiter
  46. chaplet
  47. chapterhouse
  48. charabanc
  49. charcoal
  50. charcoal burner
  51. charcuterie
  52. charge
  53. charger
  54. chari
  55. chariot
  56. charioteer
  57. charles
  58. charm
  59. charnel
  60. chart
  61. charterhouse
  62. chase
  63. chasm
  64. chassis
  65. chasuble
  66. chateau
  67. chatelaine
  68. chattahoochee
  69. check
  70. checker
  71. checkerboard
  72. checkout
  73. checkrein
  74. checkroom
  75. cheekpiece
  76. cheeseboard
  77. cheesecake
  78. cheesecloth
  79. chemise
  80. chenille
  81. chequer
  82. cheroot
  83. chessboard
  84. chessman
  85. chest
  86. chesterfield
  87. chevron
  88. chiaroscuro
  89. chicane
  90. chicha
  91. chiffon
  92. chiffonier
  93. chimborazo
  94. chime
  95. chimney
  96. chimneypiece
  97. chimneypot
  98. chimneystack
  99. china
  100. chinaware
  101. chinchilla
  102. chino
  103. chinoiserie
  104. chinos
  105. chintz
  106. chip
  107. chiron
  108. chisel
  109. chiton
  110. chlamys
  111. chloramine
  112. chloramphenicol
  113. chlorhexidine
  114. chloroform
  115. chloromycetin
  116. chloroquine
  117. chock
  118. choir
  119. choke
  120. choker
  121. chokey
  122. choky
  123. chondrite
  124. chondrule
  125. chophouse
  126. chopine
  127. chopper
  128. chopstick
  129. chordophone
  130. chrism
  131. chrisom
  132. christmas tree
  133. chromatogram
  134. chromosphere
  135. chronograph
  136. chronometer
  137. chronoscope
  138. chrysarobin
  139. chuck
  140. chuddar
  141. chukka
  142. chum
  143. chunnel
  144. church
  145. churidars
  146. churn
  147. chute

Starting with CI
  1. ciderpress
  2. cigar
  3. cigaret
  4. cigarette
  5. cigarillo
  6. cimarron
  7. cinch
  8. cincture
  9. cinder
  10. cinema
  11. cinerarium
  12. cinquefoil
  13. circinus
  14. circle
  15. circlet
  16. circuit
  17. circuitry
  18. circus
  19. cirque
  20. cirrocumulus
  21. cirrostratus
  22. cirrus
  23. cistern
  24. citadel
  25. cither
  26. cithern
  27. citole
  28. cittern
  29. cityscape
  30. civic center
  31. civies
  32. civvies

Starting with CL
  1. clack
  2. clamp
  3. clamshell
  4. clapper
  5. clapperboard
  6. clappers
  7. clarence
  8. clarinet
  9. clarion
  10. claro
  11. clasp
  12. classic
  13. classroom
  14. clast
  15. clavichord
  16. clavier
  17. claw
  18. clawhammer
  19. claxon
  20. claymore
  21. clayware
  22. cleaner
  23. cleaners
  24. cleanser
  25. clearstory
  26. clearway
  27. cleat
  28. cleats
  29. cleaver
  30. cleft
  31. clench
  32. clepsydra
  33. clerestory
  34. clevis
  35. clews
  36. click
  37. client
  38. cliff
  39. climb
  40. climber
  41. clinch
  42. clincher
  43. clinic
  44. clink
  45. clinker
  46. clinometer
  47. clioquinol
  48. clip
  49. clipboard
  50. clipper
  51. cloaca
  52. cloak
  53. cloakroom
  54. cloche
  55. clock
  56. clockwork
  57. clodhopper
  58. clog
  59. cloisonne
  60. cloister
  61. clomipramine
  62. clone
  63. closet
  64. closeup
  65. closure
  66. cloth
  67. clothes
  68. clothesbrush
  69. clotheshorse
  70. clothesline
  71. clothespin
  72. clothespress
  73. clothing
  74. cloud
  75. clout
  76. cloverleaf
  77. club
  78. clubhead
  79. clubhouse
  80. clubroom
  81. clutch
  82. clyde

Starting with CO
  1. coach
  2. coal
  3. coalbin
  4. coalpit
  5. coast
  6. coaster
  7. coastland
  8. coat
  9. coatdress
  10. coatee
  11. coatrack
  12. coatroom
  13. coattail
  14. coax
  15. cobble
  16. cobblestone
  17. cobweb
  18. coca
  19. cocain
  20. cockleshell
  21. cockpit
  22. cocytus
  23. codeine
  24. codpiece
  25. coelostat
  26. coffeehouse
  27. coffeepot
  28. coffer
  29. cofferdam
  30. coffin
  31. cog
  32. cogwheel
  33. coif
  34. coign
  35. coigne
  36. coil
  37. col
  38. colander
  39. colchicine
  40. coldcream
  41. coliseum
  42. collage
  43. collar
  44. collectable
  45. collectible
  46. collector
  47. college
  48. collet
  49. collider
  50. colliery
  51. collimator
  52. collyrium
  53. cologne
  54. colonnade
  55. colonoscope
  56. colophon
  57. colorado
  58. colorimeter
  59. colors
  60. colosseum
  61. colours
  62. colter
  63. columba
  64. columbarium
  65. columbary
  66. columbia
  67. column
  68. coma
  69. comb
  70. comber
  71. combine
  72. comet
  73. comfort
  74. comforter
  75. commemorative
  76. commissary
  77. commode
  78. commodity
  79. commutator
  80. commuter
  81. compact
  82. companionway
  83. compartment
  84. compass
  85. complex
  86. component
  87. composition
  88. compound
  89. compress
  90. compressor
  91. computer
  92. concealment
  93. concertina
  94. concourse
  95. concretion
  96. condenser
  97. conditioner
  98. condo
  99. condominium
  100. conductor
  101. conduit
  102. cone
  103. conestoga
  104. confectionary
  105. confectionery
  106. confessional
  107. confetti
  108. confluent
  109. conge
  110. congee
  111. congo
  112. conjunction
  113. connecter
  114. connecticut
  115. connection
  116. connective
  117. connector
  118. connexion
  119. conservatoire
  120. conservatory
  121. consignment
  122. console
  123. consolidation
  124. constance
  125. constellation
  126. constituent
  127. constitution
  128. constraint
  129. construction
  130. consulate
  131. contact
  132. container
  133. containership
  134. containment
  135. content
  136. continent
  137. contraband
  138. contrabass
  139. contrabassoon
  140. contraceptive
  141. contrafagotto
  142. contrail
  143. contraption
  144. contrivance
  145. control
  146. controller
  147. convector
  148. convenience
  149. convent
  150. conventicle
  151. converter
  152. convertible
  153. convertor
  154. conveyance
  155. conveyer
  156. conveyor
  157. cooker
  158. cookfire
  159. cookhouse
  160. cookstove
  161. cookware
  162. cooler
  163. coonskin
  164. coop
  165. coosa
  166. cope
  167. copernicus
  168. copestone
  169. copier
  170. copperplate
  171. copperware
  172. coprolite
  173. coprolith
  174. copy
  175. copyholder
  176. coquille
  177. coracle
  178. corbel
  179. corbiestep
  180. cord
  181. cordage
  182. cordite
  183. cordon
  184. cords
  185. corduroy
  186. corduroys
  187. core
  188. corer
  189. cork
  190. corker
  191. corkscrew
  192. corncrib
  193. corner
  194. cornerstone
  195. cornet
  196. cornice
  197. corona
  198. coronal
  199. coronet
  200. coropuna
  201. corral
  202. corrective
  203. corrida
  204. corridor
  205. corrie
  206. corsage
  207. corsair
  208. corselet
  209. corset
  210. corslet
  211. corvette
  212. corvus
  213. cosh
  214. cosmetic
  215. cosmography
  216. cosmos
  217. cosmotron
  218. costume
  219. cosy
  220. cot
  221. cote
  222. cottage
  223. cottar
  224. cotter
  225. cotton
  226. couch
  227. couchette
  228. coulisse
  229. coulter
  230. counter
  231. counterbalance
  232. counterbore
  233. counterfeit
  234. counterirritant
  235. counterpane
  236. counterpart
  237. counterpoise
  238. counterpoison
  239. countersink
  240. countertop
  241. counterweight
  242. coupe
  243. couple
  244. coupler
  245. course
  246. court
  247. courthouse
  248. courtroom
  249. courtyard
  250. cove
  251. cover
  252. coverall
  253. coverlet
  254. covert
  255. cowbarn
  256. cowbell
  257. cowcatcher
  258. cowhide
  259. cowhouse
  260. cowl
  261. cowshed
  262. coxcomb
  263. cozy

Starting with CP
  1. cpu

Starting with CR
  1. crack
  2. cracker
  3. crackerjack
  4. crackle
  5. crackleware
  6. cradle
  7. craft
  8. crag
  9. cramp
  10. crampon
  11. crampoon
  12. crane
  13. craniometer
  14. crank
  15. crankcase
  16. crankshaft
  17. cranny
  18. crape
  19. crapper
  20. crate
  21. crater
  22. craton
  23. cravat
  24. crayon
  25. cream
  26. creamery
  27. crease
  28. creation
  29. creche
  30. credence
  31. credenza
  32. creek
  33. creel
  34. creep
  35. creese
  36. crematorium
  37. crematory
  38. crenel
  39. crenelation
  40. crenellation
  41. crenelle
  42. crepe
  43. crest
  44. cretonne
  45. crevasse
  46. crevice
  47. crewelwork
  48. crewet
  49. crib
  50. crimper
  51. cringle
  52. crinoline
  53. cristal
  54. cro
  55. crochet
  56. crocheting
  57. crock
  58. crockery
  59. crocket
  60. croft
  61. cromlech
  62. cromorne
  63. crook
  64. crop
  65. cross
  66. crossbar
  67. crossbeam
  68. crossbench
  69. crossbow
  70. crosscut
  71. crosse
  72. crosshead
  73. crossjack
  74. crossover
  75. crosspiece
  76. crossroad
  77. crosstie
  78. crosswalk
  79. crossway
  80. crotchet
  81. crow
  82. crowbar
  83. crown
  84. crown of thorns
  85. crownwork
  86. crucible
  87. crucifix
  88. cruet
  89. cruiser
  90. crumhorn
  91. crupper
  92. cruse
  93. crusher
  94. crust
  95. crutch
  96. crux
  97. cryocautery
  98. cryometer
  99. cryoscope
  100. cryostat
  101. crypt
  102. cryptograph
  103. crystal
  104. crystallite
  105. crystallization

Starting with CU
  1. cubby
  2. cube
  3. cubeb
  4. cubicle
  5. cubitiere
  6. cuddy
  7. cudgel
  8. cue
  9. cuff
  10. cufflink
  11. cuirass
  12. cuisse
  13. cul
  14. culdoscope
  15. cullender
  16. cullis
  17. culotte
  18. cultivator
  19. culverin
  20. culvert
  21. cumberland
  22. cummerbund
  23. cumulonimbus
  24. cumulus
  25. cup
  26. cupboard
  27. cupel
  28. cupola
  29. cuquenan
  30. curative
  31. curb
  32. curbside
  33. curbstone
  34. cure
  35. curet
  36. curette
  37. curio
  38. curiosity
  39. curler
  40. currycomb
  41. cursor
  42. curtain
  43. curtilage
  44. curve
  45. cushion
  46. cusp
  47. cuspidation
  48. cuspidor
  49. customhouse
  50. customshouse
  51. cut
  52. cutaway
  53. cutlas
  54. cutlass
  55. cutlery
  56. cutoff
  57. cutout
  58. cutter
  59. cutwork

Starting with CY
  1. cyberart
  2. cybercafe
  3. cyberspace
  4. cycle
  5. cyclopropane
  6. cyclorama
  7. cycloserine
  8. cyclostyle
  9. cyclotron
  10. cygnus
  11. cylinder
  12. cylix
  13. cyma
  14. cymatium
  15. cymbal
  16. cymograph
  17. cystolith
  18. cytophotometer

Objects that Start with C

When we were kids, we learned that the word “car” begins with the letter C. Now that we have grown up it’s important to discover and learn new objects that start with C.


Furniture that starts with C


Cabinet: a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers.

– The kitchen looks great with the new cabinets.


Chair: a seat for one person, with a support for the back.

– My mother still keeps my favorite little blue chair from my childhood days.
Charcoal Burner: a stove that burns charcoal as fuel.

– It’s fabulous to have a charcoal burner in the cabin; now we need some charcoal!



Chiffonier: a tall, elegant chest of drawers.

– Mary is an antique collector. She just got a wooden chiffonier at the auction.


Chest: furniture with drawers for keeping clothes.

– I saw this red chest, and I couldn’t help to buy it.


Clothing that start with C


Caftan: a woman’s dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East.

– Marika wore a red caftan for the gala. She looked like a movie star!


Cagoule: lightweight parka; waterproof.

– The reporter had to wear a cagoule; there was a bad weather outside.


Camise: a loose shirt or tunic; originally worn in the middle Ages.

-When Mark saw her in her white lace camise, he put a big smile on his face.


Chaddar: a cloth used as a head covering (and veil and shawl) by Muslim and Hindu women.

– I didn’t know that the woman across the street was Muslim. That’s why she always wear a chaddar.


Electronic objects that start with C


Calculator: a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations; can be mechanical or electronic.

Calculators replaced abacus, nowadays everybody uses them.


Calorimeter: a measuring instrument that determines quantities of heat.

– Physics students used a styrofoam cup as a calorimeter.


Capacitor: an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge.

– Some capacitors from the computer’s motherboard are burned.


Chip: electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit.

– The engineers replaced the damaged chips.



Plastic objects that start with C


Cannula: a small flexible tube inserted into a body cavity for draining off fluid or introducing medication.

– The vet inserted a plastic cannula into the dog’s leg.


Cardcase: a small case for carrying business cards.

– He gave me this Swarovski crystals cardcase. I loved it!


Catheter: a thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids or to keep the passageway open.

– After the accident, she needed a catheter to release urine.