Nouns Starting with A

Starting with AA
  1. aachen
  2. aaland islands
  3. aalborg
  4. aalii
  5. aalst
  6. aalto
  7. aardvark
  8. aardwolf
  9. aare
  10. aarhus
  11. aaron burr
  12. aaron copland
  13. aaron montgomery ward

Starting with AB
  1. abaca
  2. abacus
  3. abadan
  4. abalone
  5. abamp
  6. abampere
  7. abandon
  8. abandoned infant
  9. abandoned person
  10. abandonment
  11. abarticulation
  12. abasement
  13. abashment
  14. abasia
  15. abatement
  16. abatis
  17. abator
  18. abattis
  19. abattoir
  20. abaya
More AB nouns >>

Starting with AC
  1. ac
  2. acacia
  3. acacia auriculiformis
  4. acacia cambegei
  5. acacia catechu
  6. acacia dealbata
  7. acacia farnesiana
  8. acacia melanoxylon
  9. acacia pycnantha
  10. acacia xanthophloea
  11. academe
  12. academia
  13. academic
  14. academic administrator
  15. academician
  16. academicianship
  17. academicism
  18. academism
  19. academy
  20. acadia
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Starting with AD
  1. ad
  2. ada
  3. adactylia
  4. adactylism
  5. adactyly
  6. adad
  7. adage
  8. adagio
  9. adalia
  10. adam
  11. adam smith
  12. adamance
  13. adamant
  14. adams
  15. adana
  16. adansonia
  17. adansonia digitata
  18. adansonia gregorii

Starting with AE
  1. aec
  2. aeciospore
  3. aecium
  4. aedes
  5. aegadean islands
  6. aegadean isles
  7. aegates
  8. aegean
  9. aegean island
  10. aegiceras
  11. aegiceras majus
  12. aegilops
  13. aegilops triuncalis
  14. aegina
  15. aegir
  16. aegis
  17. aegisthus
  18. aegospotami
  19. aegospotamos
  20. aegypiidae
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Starting with AF
  1. afars and issas
  2. affability
  3. affableness
  4. affairs
  5. affect
  6. affectation
  7. affectedness
  8. affection
  9. affectionateness
  10. affenpinscher
  11. afferent
  12. affiant
  13. affidavit
  14. affiliate
  15. affiliation
  16. affine
  17. affinity
  18. affirmation
  19. affirmative
  20. affirmativeness
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Starting with AG
  1. ag
  2. aga
  3. agalactia
  4. agalactosis
  5. agalinis
  6. agama
  7. agamemnon
  8. agamete
  9. agamid
  10. agamidae
  11. agammaglobulinemia
  12. agamogenesis
  13. agapanthus
  14. agapanthus africanus
  15. agapornis
  16. agar
  17. agaric
  18. agaricaceae
  19. agaricales

Starting with AH
  1. ahab
  2. ahem
  3. ahimsa
  4. ahmad shah masoud
  5. ahmed zoki yamani
  6. ahpcrc
  7. ahriman
  8. ahuehuete
  9. ahura
  10. ahura mazda
  11. ahvenanmaa

Starting with AI
  1. aid
  2. aide
  3. aides
  4. aidoneus
  5. aids
  6. aigina
  7. aiglet
  8. aigret
  9. aigrette
  10. aiguilette
  11. aiken
  12. aikido
  13. ail
  14. ailanthus
  15. ailanthus altissima
  16. aileron
  17. ailey
  18. ailment
  19. ailurophobia

Starting with AJ
  1. ajaia
  2. ajax
  3. ajuga
  4. ajuga chamaepitys
  5. ajuga genevensis
  6. ajuga pyramidalis
  7. ajuga reptans

Starting with AK
  1. ak
  2. akaba
  3. akan
  4. akaryocyte
  5. akaryote
  6. akee
  7. akee tree
  8. aken
  9. akeridae
  10. akha
  11. akhbari
  12. akhenaten
  13. akhenaton
  14. akinesia
  15. akinesis
  16. akira kurosawa
  17. akka
  18. akkadian
  19. akko
  20. akmola
More AK nouns >>

Starting with AL
  1. al
  2. al aqabah
  3. al gore
  4. al hirschfeld
  5. al jolson
  6. al ladhiqiyah
  7. al qahira
  8. ala
  9. ala.
  10. alabama
  11. alabama lip fern
  12. alabaman
  13. alabamian
  14. alabaster
  15. alacrity
  16. aladdin
  17. alalia
  18. alamo
  19. alan alexander milne
  20. alan hodgkin
More AL nouns >>

Starting with AM
  1. am
  2. amabilis fir
  3. amadavat
  4. amaethon
  5. amah
  6. amalgam
  7. amalgamation
  8. amalgamator
  9. amanita
  10. amanita caesarea
  11. amanita mappa
  12. amanita muscaria
  13. amanita phalloides
  14. amanita rubescens
  15. amanita verna
  16. amanuensis
  17. amaranth
  18. amaranth family
  19. amaranthaceae
  20. amaranthus
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Starting with AN
  1. an
  2. an nafud
  3. an nefud
  4. ana
  5. anabantidae
  6. anabaptism
  7. anabaptist
  8. anabas
  9. anabiosis
  10. anabolism
  11. anabrus
  12. anacanthini
  13. anacardiaceae
  14. anacardium
  15. anacardium occidentale
  16. anachronism
  17. anaclisis
  18. anacoluthia
  19. anacoluthon
  20. anaconda
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Starting with AO
  1. aorist
  2. aorta
  3. aortitis
  4. aotus
  5. aoudad

Starting with AP
  1. apache
  2. apadana
  3. apalachicola
  4. apalachicola rosemary
  5. apanage
  6. apar
  7. apartheid
  8. apartment
  9. apathy
  10. apatite
  11. apatosaur
  12. apatosaurus
  13. apatura
  14. apc
  15. ape
  16. apeldoorn
  17. apennines
  18. aper
  19. apercu
  20. aperea
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Starting with AQ
  1. aqaba
  2. aqua
  3. aquaculture
  4. aquamarine
  5. aquanaut
  6. aquaphobia
  7. aquaplane
  8. aquarium
  9. aquarius
  10. aquatic
  11. aquatic fern
  12. aquatic plant
  13. aquatics
  14. aquatint
  15. aquavit
  16. aqueduct
  17. aquiculture
  18. aquifer
  19. aquifoliaceae
  20. aquila
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Starting with AR
  1. ar
  2. ar rimsal
  3. ara
  4. arab
  5. arab chief
  6. arab republic of egypt
  7. arabesque
  8. arabia
  9. arabian
  10. arabian coffee
  11. arabian desert
  12. arabian jasmine
  13. arabian peninsula
  14. arabidopsis
  15. arabidopsis lyrata
  16. arabidopsis thaliana
  17. arability
  18. arabis
  19. arabis canadensis

Starting with AS
  1. as
  2. asa gray
  3. asa yoelson
  4. asadha
  5. asafetida
  6. asafoetida
  7. asahikawa
  8. asama
  9. asamiya
  10. asana
  11. asanga
  12. asaph hall
  13. asarabacca
  14. asarh
  15. asarum
  16. asarum canadense
  17. asarum europaeum
  18. asarum shuttleworthii
  19. asarum virginicum

Starting with AT
  1. at
  2. atacama desert
  3. atakapa
  4. atakapan
  5. atar
  6. ataractic
  7. ataraxia
  8. ataraxis
  9. ataturk
  10. atavism
  11. atavist
  12. ataxia
  13. ataxy
  14. atayalic
  15. ate
  16. atelectasis
  17. ateleiosis
  18. ateles
  19. atelier
  20. ateliosis
More AT nouns >>

Starting with AU
  1. au
  2. au pair
  3. auberge
  4. aubergine
  5. auchincloss
  6. auckland
  7. auction
  8. auctioneer
  9. aucuba
  10. audaciousness
  11. audacity
  12. audad
  13. auden
  14. audibility
  15. audible
  16. audibleness
  17. audience
  18. audile
  19. audio

Starting with AV
  1. av
  2. avadavat
  3. avahi
  4. avail
  5. availability
  6. availableness
  7. avalanche
  8. avalanche lily
  9. avalokiteshvara
  10. avalokitesvara
  11. avaram
  12. avarice
  13. avariciousness
  14. avaritia
  15. avatar
  16. avena
  17. avena barbata
  18. avena fatua
  19. avena sativa
  20. avene sterilis
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Starting with AW
  1. award
  2. awareness
  3. awayness
  4. awe
  5. awfulness
  6. awkwardness
  7. awl
  8. awlwort
  9. awn
  10. awning
  11. awnless bromegrass
  12. awol

Starting with AX
  1. ax
  2. axe
  3. axerophthol
  4. axil
  5. axile placentation
  6. axilla
  7. axiology
  8. axiom
  9. axis
  10. axle
  11. axletree
  12. axolemma
  13. axolotl
  14. axon
  15. axone
  16. axseed

Starting with AY
  1. ayah
  2. ayapana
  3. ayapana triplinervis
  4. ayatollah
  5. ayatollah khomeini
  6. ayin
  7. ayn rand
  8. ayr
  9. ayrshire
  10. aythya
  11. ayurveda

Starting with AZ
  1. az
  2. az zarqa
  3. azadirachta
  4. azadirachta indica
  5. azadirachtin
  6. azalea
  7. azaleastrum
  8. azedarach
  9. azederach
  10. azerbaijan
  11. azerbaijani
  12. azerbaijani republic
  13. azerbajdzhan
  14. azerbajdzhan republic
  15. azeri
  16. azide
  17. azimuth
  18. azoimide
  19. azolla
  20. azolla caroliniana
More AZ nouns >>

Nouns that Start with A

There are innumerable words that start with A in the English language, some of them are very common, while many others are not. Among them, there are also different types such as common nouns, proper nouns, concrete nouns, and abstract noun. All of the nouns and their different meanings are available to us for different uses. Learning new nouns can open a whole new world of possibilities when writing or expressing  out thoughts in our daily lives.

In this article, we will have a journey through different nouns that start with the letter “A”, their meanings, and some useful examples.


Nouns that start with A denoting emotions and feelings


Abandon: a feeling of extreme emotional intensity.

– The young girl danced with abandon at the party.


Affright: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety.

– An affright feeling overwhelmed him at his arrive at court.


Aggravation: an exasperated feeling of annoyance.

– You can notice the aggravation in her face after listening to the results.


Amazement: the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising.

– To my amazement, the flowers on the old wooden box still looked beautiful.


Angst: an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety; usually reserved for philosophical anxiety about the world or personal freedom.

– Winning the last game of the tournament eased the team’s angst.



Interesting nouns starting with A


Abdominoplasty: cosmetic surgery of the abdomen to remove wrinkles and tighten the skin over the stomach.

– Jane is considering having an abdominoplasty although the surgeon suggests that she have a liposuction instead.


Abduction: -(physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body.
The criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member; if a man’s wife is abducted it is a crime against the family relationship and the wife.

– I can hardly believe that Mike’s partner was involved in his daughter’s abduction; they have known each other for so many years.


Accolade: a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction.

– After all these years, the scientists deserve their accolade due to their research in leukemia treatment.


Adiposis: the property of excessive fatness.

– A liposuction should be made in areas where patient has adiposis, commonly known as excessive fatness.


Airmanship: the art of operating aircraft.

-Pilots showed a superb airmanship during the war in Iraq.



Nouns that start with A referring to events.


Adrenarche: the increase in activity of the adrenal glands just before puberty.

– The biology teacher explained the hormonal process that happens to boys and girls known as adrenarche to the students.


Allogamy: cross-fertilization in plants.

– The Science students developed a bamboo allogamy by fertilizing female and male gametes from the same species.


Annihilation: destruction.

– It is important that human beings stop the slow annihilation of the ecosystems.


Attrition: a wearing down to weaken or destroy.

– Significant attrition occurred to mountains because of the strong wind and agitated waters.


Augury: an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come.

– I think new discoveries in medicine are a good augury for future generations’ health.


Nouns starting with A that refer to famous people.


Abraham Stoker: Irish writer of the horror novel about Dracula (1847-1912).

– The English literature teacher asked his class to write a report on Abraham Stoker’s famous novel “Dracula”.


Achilles: a mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy. When he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable–his `Achilles’ heel’.

– The great soldier Achilles was armed and looking for vengeance.


Adams: 2nd President of the United States (1735-1826).
-American Revolutionary leader and patriot; an organizer of the Boston Tea Party and signer of the Declaration of Independence (1722-1803).

John Adams, the second president of the United States of America, wrote the Massachusetts Constitution.


Admiral Byrd: explorer and United States naval officer; led expeditions to explore Antarctica (1888-1957).

-During his expeditions to Antarctica, Admiral Byrd tried to fly over the North Pole, but was unsuccessful.


Ajax: a mythical Greek hero; a warrior who fought against Troy in the Iliad.

– When I read the “Iliad,” I was so impressed by Ajax’s strength.

Nouns starting with A