Starting with PA
- paca
- pacemaker
- pacer
- pacesetter
- pachycephala
- pachycephalosaur
- pachycephalosaurus
- pachyderm
- pack rat
- packhorse
- packrat
- pad
- padda
- paddlefish
- paddymelon
- pademelon
- pagellus
- pagophila
- pagophilus
- pagrus
- paguridae
- pagurus
- painter
- palaemon
- palaemonidae
- paleacrita
- palfrey
- palinuridae
- palinurus
- palometa
- palomino
- pan
- panda
- pandion
- pandionidae
- pangolin
- panonychus
- panorpidae
- panther
- panthera
- pantotheria
- papillon
- papio
- papovavirus
- paprilus
- paracheirodon
- paradisaeidae
- paradoxurus
- parakeet
- paralichthys
- paralithodes
- paramecia
- paramecium
- paramyxovirus
- paranthias
- paranthropus
- parapodium
- paraquet
- parascalops
- parasite
- parazoa
- parazoan
- paridae
- parophrys
- paroquet
- parr
- parrakeet
- parroket
- parroquet
- parrot
- parrotfish
- partridge
- parula
- parulidae
- parus
- pasang
- passer
- passeres
- passeridae
- passeriformes
- passerina
- passerine
- pastern
- pastor
- patas
- patella
- patellidae
- pathogen
- pauropoda
- pavo
- paw
Starting with PE
- peachick
- peacock
- peafowl
- peahen
- pearlfish
- peba
- peccary
- peckerwood
- pectinibranchia
- pectinidae
- pediculati
- pedioecetes
- pedionomus
- pedipalpi
- peewee
- peewit
- pekan
- peke
- pekinese
- pekingese
- pelage
- pelecanidae
- pelecaniformes
- pelecanoididae
- pelecanus
- pelecypod
- pelican
- pellicle
- pelobatidae
- pelt
- peludo
- pelycosaur
- pelycosauria
- pembroke
- pempheridae
- pen
- peneidae
- penelope
- peneus
- penguin
- pennatula
- pennatulidae
- pennon
- pentail
- pentastomid
- pentastomida
- peramelidae
- perca
- perch
- percher
- percheron
- percidae
- perciformes
- percina
- percoid
- percoidea
- percoidean
- percomorphi
- percophidae
- perdicidae
- perdicinae
- perdix
- peregrine
- peridinian
- peridiniidae
- peridinium
- periophthalmus
- peripatidae
- peripatopsidae
- peripatopsis
- peripatus
- periplaneta
- perisoreus
- perissodactyl
- perissodactyla
- peristediinae
- peristedion
- peristome
- periwinkle
- permit
- pernis
- perodicticus
- perognathus
- peromyscus
- pest
- pet
- petaurista
- petauristidae
- petaurus
- petchary
- petrel
- petrogale
- petromyzon
- petromyzoniformes
- petromyzontidae
- pewee
- pewit
- pezophaps
Starting with PH
- phacochoerus
- phaeophyceae
- phaeophyta
- phaethon
- phaethontidae
- phage
- phalacrocoracidae
- phalacrocorax
- phalaenoptilus
- phalanger
- phalangeridae
- phalangida
- phalangiidae
- phalangium
- phalarope
- phalaropidae
- phalaropus
- pharomacrus
- phascogale
- phascolarctos
- phasianid
- phasianidae
- phasianus
- phasmatidae
- phasmatodea
- phasmid
- phasmida
- phasmidae
- phasmidia
- pheasant
- phenacomys
- philaenus
- phillidae
- philohela
- philomachus
- philophylla
- phlebotomus
- phoca
- phocidae
- phocoena
- phoebe
- phoenicopteridae
- phoeniculidae
- phoeniculus
- phoenicurus
- pholadidae
- pholas
- pholidae
- pholidota
- pholis
- phoronid
- phoronida
- phoronidea
- photoblepharon
- phoxinus
- phragmacone
- phragmocone
- phrynosoma
- phthiriidae
- phthirius
- phthirus
- phthorimaea
- phycobilin
- phycocyanin
- phycoerythrin
- phyllidae
- phyllium
- phyllorhynchus
- phylloscopus
- phyllostomatidae
- phyllostomidae
- phyllostomus
- phylloxera
- phylloxeridae
- physa
- physalia
- physeter
- physeteridae
- physidae
- phytomastigina
- phytoplankton
Starting with PI
- pica
- picariae
- pichiciago
- pichiciego
- picidae
- piciformes
- pickerel
- picoides
- picornavirus
- piculet
- picumnus
- picus
- piddock
- pierid
- pieridae
- pieris
- pig
- pigeon
- pigfish
- piggy
- piglet
- pika
- pike
- pikeblenny
- pilchard
- pilotfish
- pilus
- pincer
- pinche
- pinctada
- pineus
- pinfish
- pinguinus
- pinicola
- pinion
- pinnatiped
- pinniped
- pinnipedia
- pinnotheres
- pinnotheridae
- pinscher
- pintado
- pintail
- pinto
- pipa
- pipefish
- pipidae
- pipile
- pipilo
- pipistrel
- pipistrelle
- pipistrellus
- pipit
- pipra
- pipridae
- pirana
- piranga
- piranha
- piroplasm
- pisanosaur
- pisanosaurus
- pisces
- pismire
- pithecanthropus
- pithecia
- pitta
- pittidae
- pituophis
- pitymys
Starting with PL
- placental
- placoderm
- placodermi
- placuna
- plaice
- planaria
- planarian
- plankton
- planococcus
- planthopper
- planula
- plasmodiidae
- plasmodium
- plastron
- platalea
- plataleidae
- platanistidae
- platichthys
- platy
- platycephalidae
- platyctenea
- platyctenean
- platyhelminth
- platyhelminthes
- platypoecilus
- platypus
- platyrrhine
- platyrrhini
- platyrrhinian
- plautus
- plecoptera
- plecopteran
- plecotus
- plectognath
- plectognathi
- plectophera
- plectrophenax
- pleopod
- plesianthropus
- plesiosaur
- plesiosauria
- plesiosaurus
- plethodon
- plethodont
- plethodontidae
- pleurobrachia
- pleurobrachiidae
- pleurodont
- pleuronectes
- pleuronectidae
- plicatoperipatus
- ploceidae
- ploceus
- plover
- plug
- plumage
- plume
- plumule
- pluvialis
- pluvianus
- plymouth rock
Starting with PO
- poacher
- pochard
- podargidae
- podargus
- podiceps
- podicipedidae
- podicipediformes
- podicipitiformes
- podilymbus
- poeciliid
- poeciliidae
- poecilocapsus
- poecilogale
- poephila
- pogge
- pogonophora
- pogonophoran
- poikilotherm
- pointer
- polecat
- poler
- polioptila
- poliovirus
- polistes
- poll
- pollachius
- pollard
- pollinator
- polliwog
- pollock
- pollyfish
- pollywog
- polyangiaceae
- polyangium
- polyborus
- polychaeta
- polychete
- polycirrus
- polydactylus
- polyergus
- polygonia
- polymastigina
- polymastigote
- polymorph
- polynemidae
- polyodon
- polyodontidae
- polyoma
- polyp
- polypedates
- polypedatidae
- polyplacophora
- polyplacophore
- polyploid
- polyprion
- polyzoa
- polyzoan
- pomacanthus
- pomacentridae
- pomacentrus
- pomatomidae
- pomatomus
- pomeranian
- pomfret
- pomolobus
- pomoxis
- pompano
- pompon
- pongid
- pongidae
- pongo
- pony
- pooch
- poodle
- pooecetes
- poorwill
- popillia
- popinjay
- porbeagle
- porcellio
- porcellionidae
- porcupine
- porcupinefish
- porgy
- porifera
- poriferan
- porker
- porkfish
- poronotus
- porphyra
- porphyrio
- porphyrula
- porpoise
- portunidae
- portunus
- porzana
- possum
- poster
- potamogale
- potamogalidae
- potamophis
- potoroinae
- potoroo
- potorous
- potos
- potto
- poultry
- pout
- pouter
- poxvirus
- poyou
Starting with PR
- prancer
- pratincole
- praunus
- prawn
- praya
- predator
- prehensor
- presbytes
- prey
- priacanthidae
- priacanthus
- pricket
- prickleback
- primary
- primate
- prinia
- priodontes
- prionace
- prionotus
- pristidae
- pristis
- probiotic
- proboscidea
- proboscidean
- proboscidian
- proboscis
- procaryote
- procavia
- procaviidae
- procellaria
- procellariidae
- procellariiformes
- prociphilus
- procnias
- proconsul
- procyon
- procyonid
- procyonidae
- progne
- prokaryote
- prokayotae
- prongbuck
- pronghorn
- prosauropoda
- prosimian
- prosimii
- prosopium
- proteidae
- proteles
- proterochampsa
- proteus
- prothorax
- protist
- protista
- protistan
- protoavis
- protoceratops
- protoctist
- protoctista
- protohippus
- protomammal
- prototheria
- prototherian
- protozoa
- protozoan
- protozoon
- protura
- proturan
- prunella
- prunellidae
Starting with PS
- psalterium
- psaltriparus
- psenes
- psephurus
- psetta
- psettichthys
- pseudacris
- pseudaletia
- pseudechis
- pseudemys
- pseudococcidae
- pseudococcus
- pseudomonad
- pseudomonadales
- pseudomonas
- pseudomonodaceae
- pseudopleuronectes
- pseudopod
- pseudopodium
- pseudoryx
- pseudoscorpion
- pseudoscorpiones
- pseudoscorpionida
- psithyrus
- psittacidae
- psittaciformes
- psittacosaur
- psittacosaurus
- psittacula
- psittacus
- psocid
- psocidae
- psocoptera
- psophia
- psophiidae
- psychodid
- psychodidae
- psylla
- psyllid
- psyllidae
Starting with PT
- ptarmigan
- pteriidae
- pternohyla
- pterocles
- pteroclididae
- pterocnemia
- pterodactyl
- pterodactylidae
- pterodactylus
- pterois
- pteropus
- pterosaur
- pterosauria
- ptilocercus
- ptilocrinus
- ptilonorhynchidae
- ptilonorhynchus
- ptloris
- ptyas
- ptychozoon
Starting with PU
- puddingwife
- puffbird
- puffer
- pufferfish
- puffin
- puffinus
- pug
- puku
- pulex
- pullet
- pulmonata
- puma
- pumpkinseed
- punkey
- punkie
- punky
- pup
- pupa
- puppy
- pureblood
- purebred
- pussycat
Starting with PY
Animals that Start with P
Mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, even strange creatures are included in this nouns list. There is a wide variety of animal species that people couldn’t imagine. The following nouns start with the letter O and show some usage examples.
Mammals that start with P
Pagophilus: harp seals.
– The Pagophilus are beautiful arctic animals. It is a shame they are commercially hunted.
Peccary: nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North America and South America.
– Peccaries are facing extinction in Costa Rica due to poachers.
Pichiciego: very small Argentine armadillo with pale silky hair and pink plates on head and neck.
– The pichiciego is the rarest animal I saw. It looks like a lovely stuffed animal!
Potoroinae: rat kangaroos.
– The potorinae family is formed by small jumping marsupials that look like mice.
Priodontes: solely the giant armadillo.
– The priodontes is a huge armadillo! Like the size of a dog.
Reptiles that start with P
Pelycosaur: large primitive reptile having a tall spinal sail; of the Permian or late Paleozoic in Europe and North America.
– The class learned about the pelycosaur at the Museum of Natural History.
Phrynosoma: horned lizards.
– The Phrynosoma is hard to detect in the wild. It lives in the Sonoran desert and camouflages between rocks.
Pituophis: bull snakes.
– The Pituophis family includes eight subspecies of snakes. The truth is that snakes are not my favorite pets.
Potamophis: Ground snakes.
– The guide explained us that the black snake in the reptarium was a potamophis.
Pythoninae: Old World boas: pythons; in some classifications considered a separate family from Boidae.
– Wow! I never saw a pythoninae with such bright colors. A lime green skin and orange eyes. It was gorgeous.
Birds that start with P
Paradisaeidae: birds of paradise.
– It’s amazing how many beautiful birds live on the planet. One of them is the Paradisaeidae.
Peckerwood: bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects.
– Peckerwoods hammer trees’ trunks looking for food and shelter.
Pintail: long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers.
– A flock of pintails swims peacefully in the pond.
Popinjay: an archaic term for a parrot.
– The popinjay was perched on the branch looking at the sunset.
Porzana: spotted crakes.
– The small Porzana pecks into the water looking for food.
Insects and critters that start with P
Paleacrita: geometrid moths.
– A paleacrita got into the house and flew around the light for hours.
Phasmatidae: stick insects.
– The Phasmatidae is better known as “stick insect.” It is amazing how it resembles nature.
Pismire: social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during the breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers.
– Pismire are ferocious ants that devour their prey.
Polyergus: Amazon ants.
– The Polyergus are very big ants with a vibrant red color.